Thrift Shop

All three churches are engaged in this outreach to the community. High quality goods are available to purchase and donations of gently used, clean unsoiled items are gladly accepted! Food donations are not accepted, if you have extra food that you would like to donate, please visit the Minden Community Food Ce

Story: Bountiful Blessing was the start.

A grade 4 teacher from Toronto bought tea cups from Bountiful Blessings. These tea cups hold a special place in his classroom, as every year his students put on a Mother’s Day Tea. Such a nice story which Bountiful Blessings can be apart of.

The Thrift Shop shares with other churches and organizations like the Bishop McAllister School in Kyogyera, Uganda. Last year the Thrift Shop assisting in making a new residence for girls secure. (A few days before, the school had been attacked by robbers and three staff murdered). This year the Thrift Shop contributed to the new library building.

Interested in sponsoring a child at Bishop McAllister School?

Please contact Rosemarie Kingston at or Marjorie Robertson at

For more information and to follow events taking place at the school, see their website at or on Facebook at Bishop McAllister College and Bishop McAllister Anglican Seminary.